UKTV Play is a popular streaming service that offers a wide variety of TV shows, documentaries, movies, and exclusive content from UKTV channels like Dave, Drama, Really, and Yesterday.
Users must register, activate, and log in to fully enjoy UKTV Play’s features and benefits.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to activate your UKTV Play account.
You need to register for an account before you can activate UKTV Play on your device. Here’s how:
Visit the UKTV Play website or download the UKTV Play app.
Click on ‘Account’ and then ‘Register to Watch’.
Sign in by entering your email address, password, first and last name, date of birth, gender, and postcode.
Click ‘Register to Watch Free’.
Once you’ve registered for an account, you can activate UKTV Play on your device. Here’s how:
Login to launch the UKTV Play app on your device.
Watch UKTV play by selecting a show to stream or watch live TV.
A full-screen prompt will appear. Click the ‘Sign In or Register’ link.
A five-digit code will be displayed on the screen.
Visit on your smartphone, tablet, or desktop.
You can just enter your UKTV Play account details.
Enter the five-digit code displayed on your TV.
Once you enter the code, your TV will confirm that you are registered and can continue watching.
Just so you know, if the code has been displayed on the screen for over 30 minutes, it will likely be updated.
Also, you need to check your code for spaces and punctuation marks.
Now that you’ve activated your UKTV Play account, you can enjoy your favourite comedy and action shows across multiple devices such as desktop, tablet, mobile, Google TV, Android TV, Chromecast or any other device you may have.
The service provides more personal and seamless viewing entertainment, with personalised features, recommendations, and the ability to save your favourite shows.
So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of UKTV Play today!
Mon-Fri: 24 Hours
Sat: 24 Hours
Sun: 24 Hours